Friday, May 7, 2010

Ex-investigators accused Maddie parents continue

London - The investigation in the case of Madeleine McCann were terminated on Monday.
The then four year olds had disappeared in May 2007 from a Portuguese resort.
Madeleine's parents Kate and Gerry McCann, but want to continue searching for her daughter. "We will never give up for lost Madeleine," said Kate McCann on Monday evening at a news conference.
With the closure of the Act, the McCanns are also no longer themselves as suspects. For her and her husband, it was heartbreaking to be classified by police as suspects over many months, so McCann.
But that is not over yet. There is a new Skandal.Goncalo Amaral, wants the former chief investigator in the case of Maddie, published this coming Thursday is a tell-all book. In it he accused the parents of little Madeleine difficult.
In the book "The truth of the lie," Amaral said that Madeleine in the holiday apartment in southern Portugal was killed, the parents could disappear from the body and then faked a kidnapping. He wanted to "help to find the truth," said Amaral on Monday told the BBC.
Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for the McCanns said: "It is a shame that Mr Amaral apparently feels the urge to make the disappearance of Madeleine money."
Amaral was five months, the chief investigator in the case Maddie. Also because of criticism of the British police, he was discharged.
The McCanns hope after the closure of investigations in the coming days look at the records of the Portuguese police get.
In continuing the search for Maddie will probably wind each followed ever so little notice, the parents.