Thursday, February 11, 2010

Attorney as assistants for fleeing bank robber Zocha?

Had Bielefeld - That bank robber January Zocha in his attempt to escape prison in Bielefeld> Support must have had the prosecutor even longer clear.
The possible identity of the flight, however, surprised even the investigators helper: It was probably Zochas former attorney!
In raids in the offices of lawyers (64) from the Kreis Viersen investigators discovered gunpowder and Zochas Pass undKreditkarte. Against the lawyer is now being investigated for suspicion of facilitation of attempted kidnapping.
Technicians are now trying to prove that it is the same explosive powder that was found in Zochas cell. Even large amount of correspondence was seized in the raid.
Learn more about the case: Jan Zocha: Tied up in the Schlichtzelle> Explore four years - Zocha convicted bank robber! >