Thursday, February 18, 2010

Collection ties claps gastronome

Bonn --
Nightmare for a well-known restaurateurs Bonner. The 41-year-old was met by two thugs suspected of collecting a band - before the eyes of his family!
The little daughter (4) is traumatized ever since. While the police is now hunting the culprits with photos, but they are still at large. The pictures, published by the CID on court decision: they show two muscle-bound men in front of the house of the host. The idea is not unknown that a video camera is directed at them. As the door rises, they push aggressively clean.
At 19.45 clock. The landlord just brought his daughter into bed. Therefore, the mother opened the door and called out shortly after him. Meanwhile, the muscular duo built up menacingly on the corridor.
The 41-year-old: "They told me then come out the door, they should clarify that with me." When he asks the thugs to leave his property - he immediately got a fist in the face!
Video entitled
"I lost consciousness, only came to me when I felt a massive kicks to my head and upper body," he says. "To" edit me "to be, they had pushed away my wife and my mother." Worst of all: the little girl had climbed out of bed, standing on the stairs - and stared as her dad has been met ...
The four-year since then wets the bed. The brutal attack - he is a nightmare for the whole family. She now lives in constant fear. For the collection threatened band at their escape: Number of the money, or we will kill you! "My client hopes that the perpetrators will be quickly adopted so that he and his family live normally again," said lawyer Michael Hakner. He presented a criminal complaint against those suspected of contracting - a craftsman who demands from the restaurateurs to around 10 000. Because of the shortcomings but had withheld the money and repair deadlines set, who allowed the rich to the artisans.
The publication of the photos previously racket was unsuccessful. Police spokeswoman Daniela Lindemann: "We still received no indication that would have resulted a concrete evidence."