Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bohlen will "umboxen Salzstange" Bruce

Cologne --
Vitali Klitschko defended on Saturday night in the fight against the American Kevin Johnson his title in the heavyweight.
But before the fight of the professionals it comes to RTL (Saturday, 20.15 Clock) giving an exchange of blows between two absolute amateur boxing: The Super Talent jury members and Dieter Bohlen Bruce Darnell each other something on his cap.
Dieter Bohlen sought in advance to intimidate his opponent with pithy sayings. With its two little legs and slender figure him come Bruce "in front like 'ne pretzel stick," said the 55-year-old with the RTL-Magazin "Exclusiv". "And so we know what happens with sticks," he added.
He does not have any Boxerfahrung, "but that's just good, I'm undefeated, have never 'nen battle is lost, because I've never had a lead." Fit but he was already, after all he was doing 200 pushups every morning and walk daily for ten miles.
Learn More
Bohlen: "When I met Bruce always the Bullseye"
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These candidates are in the final
Madman fart in the "Super Talent" semifinals
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The idea for the boxing match was after the last shipments, as Darnell Mitjuror forced to piles, can be set according to the presence of two wheelchair artistes also in a wheelchair and whirling about. "Bruce knew that I am extremely schwindelanfällig," he was even hours later was bad, complained planks. The proposal to step into the ring, whether "the revenge of Dieter Bohlen.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Schäfer, "Roth has dementia"

Nuremberg --
Relegation place 17 After three defeats in a row, the fate of the game on Sunday at the 1st FC Cologne before the chest and the chaos behind the scenes:
At the 1 FC Nuremberg is a relentless mudslinging between President Franz Schaefer and his predecessor Michael A. Roth underway.
Red carpet dealer, since the summer of Honorary President of Nuremberg, had risen from his vacation home in Florida, serious allegations. "The club seems to run much confusion. Where there is no boss or at least one person in front of the undivided one has respect, is just nothing, "said the 74-year-old Nuremberg AZ:" How well or poorly they work, yes, the table shows. "
Shepherd retorted rudely in picture: "Perhaps Mr. Roth is suffering from senile dementia or caught too much sun in Florida. Fact: He has left me in June, 5.8 million euro debts and therefore instrumental in our current situation. "And:" Now of firing off, is a very left-tour. I would have expected Mr. Roth. There will be a serious conversation on his return. "
Vice President Ralf Woy also had to deal with a view of the intended function of the building, which will cost around six million euros have fallen from his ex-boss biting criticism. "We'll sit for on golden seats? In still larger offices? The construction is unnecessary at this time. The team has great rooms. Since only needs a bit disinfected and applied new paint. If to be invested, then in the team, "Roth thundered.
Woy for all this is incomprehensible: "The criticism is underground. Mr. Roth has asked himself years but a new building with alternative forms of financing. "
There had been headlines in recent days in the nine-times German champions already for alleged death threats against manager Martin Bader. After the 0-4 against Hamburg, the fans rioted. And it looks very sporty bleak. Coach Michael Oenning is therefore properly before the match in Cologne under pressure.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pollok want to hear fans cheering the BSC again

Bonn - Will he send it back? On Saturday, the BSC travels to the second round Cup Bergisch Gladbach 09th
13-goals striker Wojciech Pollok is especially hot on this game. For in the Championship, he succeeded in August, another hat-trick against the team of Lars Leese. Da geht noch was ...
Bonner SC 4:2 with the sweep, 12 August, the Red Devils in the Sportpark Nord. Was already on the third match of the championship Wojciech Pollok, what's in it. He was the match-winner. Loudly, the fans chanted his name Bonner.
On Saturday (kick-off: 14 clock) are his grades scorer again in demand. For the BSC wants to win that cup competition this season.
The odds are best: for besides just Bergisch Gladbach, Germany Dattenfeld located with only one other Oberliga side in the field. "A great opportunity for us," says BSC coach Asif Saric.
Because with the entry into the first round of the DFB Cup wave with an attractive opponent six-figure income. A relief for the always difficult financially committed patron John Viol.
Who besides Pollok accruing in the storm, Saric is still unclear. In tactical skirmishes, he wants to do without, however: "That is just a cup match. Bergisch Gladbach is strong, the dates the form will decide who will move into the next round. "

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fortuna sweeten the coach of the 50th Birthday

Aue - They were on the lawn one cheering crowd after the final whistle they danced in a circle and then the shirts were flying into the audience:
Fortune's team celebrated in the painstaking Aue 1-0 in one Rîesenparty made by Ranisav Jovanovic's late winner his coach Norbert Meier, the best gift for the 50th Birthday.
Even the coach, of course, knew "that it was not such a good game." Ensure a successful - and that Meier was with some measures beteiligt.Da totally surprising collection of defenders was Clement Halet, who had been standing still for a minute in the Third Division for the Fortuna in the square. "I've always said that includes training impressions," reasoned the coach's decision. "He has certainly been, but also with him missing after the long break something."
One problem that he has with some of his players. Therefore, he drew two players who normally would have been in the starting lineup, first as a wild card from his sleeve. Captain Andreas Lambertz after his capsule was allowed to collect a quarter of match practice.
The golden hands he proved with the collection of Moritz Volz for something more than an hour. The striker was handicapped by his Charley horse from the previous week, but managed to give a half hour full throttle - and to reward himself and his team are crucial to the results.
The successful end of a sluggish game against an opponent who played a good hour outnumbered. Jens Langeneke it did not matter, "1:0-wins are the most horniest, much better than a 4:3." And because it was so beautiful, there were only three points from the team even a gift basket for Meier.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

All the cons for DNA test

Aachen - Aachen The prosecutor will ask all inmates of the prison of Aachen and Düren for forensic DNA testing clinics.
Background: Time and again, would be released prisoners reoffending. With the stored DNA codes an instrument should be created to investigate possible future crimes faster. That said, the Chief Prosecutor Axel Vedder at the annual press conference of his authority.
This genetic fingerprinting should be claimed by the perpetrators, a sexual offense, a repeat offense, such as stalking, or a significant offense (which is already committed burglary) would.
Next would be those from which there was no DNA to ask a voluntary saliva sample, reports the Aachener Zeitung (AZ). Should this be refused, we would obtain this through a judicial decision.
The prosecution intends to their attention in particular on the criminals who have been languishing for some time. "Especially in the Dürener forensics are a whole number of people housed for years because of capital crimes or sex offenses," said Attorney General Robert Deller of AZ.
Lastly, the spectacular case has shown the five "Anhaltermorde" the importance of DNA matching. The case against the accused may begin next week only because the alleged offender after a theft, and struck his DNA matched the murder traces.