Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bohlen will "umboxen Salzstange" Bruce

Cologne --
Vitali Klitschko defended on Saturday night in the fight against the American Kevin Johnson his title in the heavyweight.
But before the fight of the professionals it comes to RTL (Saturday, 20.15 Clock) giving an exchange of blows between two absolute amateur boxing: The Super Talent jury members and Dieter Bohlen Bruce Darnell each other something on his cap.
Dieter Bohlen sought in advance to intimidate his opponent with pithy sayings. With its two little legs and slender figure him come Bruce "in front like 'ne pretzel stick," said the 55-year-old with the RTL-Magazin "Exclusiv". "And so we know what happens with sticks," he added.
He does not have any Boxerfahrung, "but that's just good, I'm undefeated, have never 'nen battle is lost, because I've never had a lead." Fit but he was already, after all he was doing 200 pushups every morning and walk daily for ten miles.
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The idea for the boxing match was after the last shipments, as Darnell Mitjuror forced to piles, can be set according to the presence of two wheelchair artistes also in a wheelchair and whirling about. "Bruce knew that I am extremely schwindelanfällig," he was even hours later was bad, complained planks. The proposal to step into the ring, whether "the revenge of Dieter Bohlen.