Thursday, April 1, 2010

All the cons for DNA test

Aachen - Aachen The prosecutor will ask all inmates of the prison of Aachen and Düren for forensic DNA testing clinics.
Background: Time and again, would be released prisoners reoffending. With the stored DNA codes an instrument should be created to investigate possible future crimes faster. That said, the Chief Prosecutor Axel Vedder at the annual press conference of his authority.
This genetic fingerprinting should be claimed by the perpetrators, a sexual offense, a repeat offense, such as stalking, or a significant offense (which is already committed burglary) would.
Next would be those from which there was no DNA to ask a voluntary saliva sample, reports the Aachener Zeitung (AZ). Should this be refused, we would obtain this through a judicial decision.
The prosecution intends to their attention in particular on the criminals who have been languishing for some time. "Especially in the Dürener forensics are a whole number of people housed for years because of capital crimes or sex offenses," said Attorney General Robert Deller of AZ.
Lastly, the spectacular case has shown the five "Anhaltermorde" the importance of DNA matching. The case against the accused may begin next week only because the alleged offender after a theft, and struck his DNA matched the murder traces.